Benjamin has been at home for one full week and already he seems so much more alert and aware of his surroundings. While I recover from labor and get some much needed rest, we've been spending most of our time at home letting Ben do what he does and sleep! Below are some photos of the little guy in dreamland...and looking so sweet and cute in the process:
During the past week, little Ben has been getting used to his mom, dad and big brother Barney. His Nana has also been staying with us for the week to help me out as I recover. He really seems like he recognizes us now since he looks us in the eyes and smiles slightly when we sing, talk, or make silly faces at him. He's not even afraid of Barney at all, even when he pokes his big head near the baby, smells him or tries to lick him. For the most part, Barney has been really mellow around the baby and even seems worried when Ben any protective big brother would!
Even after a week, Benjamin's wild hairdo doesn't seem like it will tame itself anytime soon. Here's a photo of the baby fresh after a sponge bath, when his hair is at its most unruly! :)
Ben's facial expressions and actions seem like they have become so much more alert, even in the past week. He now watches the mobile on his swing and really looks around the house to observe his surroundings when he is awake. This morning we decided to try out his little play gym to see if he would notice any of the bright colors or if he would be oblivious to it. He did seem to enjoy the colors and different hanging toys but also seemed to be a little overwhelmed by so much activity at this point. He will probably be more interested in another week or so.