Thursday, July 26, 2007

Acting Silly!

I've been slow with my posting lately so I thought I would put these two cute photos up of Ben acting silly. He's become a big ham in front of the camera and knows to smile for it he really acts like the big cheese when I start flashing nowadays!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Jumpin' on the Bed

Here's our little monkey jumpin' on the bed. Shams and throw pillows are so much fun when you're 15 months old!

Being silly, Ben's favorite pastime lately!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Little Table

A few days ago, I found this cute Little Tikes set and since Ben loves little tables and chairs so much, I couldn't resist it. The chairs are so short that the tops of them do not even reach the seat of our couch! Ben's still a little short to climb up on the chairs on his own, but he has me put him up there and then loves playing or eating at his own little table.

Here he is playing hard.

Silly face! "I've played with everything here, Mommy, what's next?"

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th of July

We went to Aunt Cinty and David's house for a BBQ yesterday and got to visit with Aunt Diane and Ian as well, as they are visiting the area from Buffalo for a bike retreat for the next few days. Unfortunately we were not able to go swimming since we had torrential rain for much of the day, but despite the bad weather, we all had a good time chatting and eating as we sat outside under their huge patio umbrella.

Here is Aunt Diane and Cinty and David's friends, Dan and Robyn with Ben in (one of his many) child-sized chairs.

Ben and his daddy explore David's beautifully manicured gardens. Ben loved the pinwheels!

Ben found friends in Ian and Dan when he got out a few of his Matchbox cars...and they kept the little guy occupied for a very long time playing with them!
Silly face!
Chilling with his dad.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Visit with Aliza and Zachary

This afternoon Ben and I went to Peddler's Village to meet with my good friend Aliza and her son Zachary. Aliza and I have been friends since 6th grade so she is my oldest friend. It's so nice that we both have sons around the same age - Ben is 15 months old and Zachary is 19 months old- especially now that they are toddlers. It's such fun to watch them run all over the place and interact more than they had the last time we got together. The boys were sooo funny as they scattered off in different directions and kept Aliza and me running after them all afternoon!

Here are the four of us together. The boys look bored to be strapped into their strollers instead of being able to run around.

Ben and then Zachary, all smiles!

Zachary making a silly face, trying to look like a tough guy (despite his "My Mom Rocks" tee-shirt! :) )

"Making nice" together and sharing.

Ben's First Cousin!

We are so happy to announce that Ben's very first cousin entered the world last Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 7:26AM. Our sister and brother-in-law, Michelle and Kurt, are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl - Madelyn Grace Biederman. She was a tiny little girl at 7lbs. 3oz. and is doing very well. Congratulations, Kurt and Michelle, and we cannot wait to meet baby Madelyn soon!

Here are some photos of the happy family and the beautiful little girl. We think the first two pictures of Madelyn look so much like Ben's baby photos and that is because we always thought he looked so much like his Aunt Michelle when he was first born! Of course we can also see the Biederman jaw in Madelyn as well so she is a good mix of both parents, in our opinion.

I have included a link to the Biederman blog on the main page of our blog so check back often for more photos of Ben's little cousin!


Just another father-son moment that I couldn't resist posting. This was Andrew's wagon when he was a little boy. Last weekend I gave it a facelift (cleaning, polishing and new coat of paint) so now it is as good as new and has become one of Ben's favorite outdoor toys to play with. He likes to try to push it himself and especially enjoys going for a ride in it. It's so nice that we have so many of Andrew's childhood toys to pass down to his son.


Now that Ben walks all over the place, he is into everything. He has also learned to open up all of our doors, including the pantry, and will open the pantry door to rummage through for a snack when he feels like eating. Of course, he almost always goes for the Goldfish and when he finds them, he'll walk towards me waving the package and shouting "Ma!" as he shows me his find!

Hmmm...I know those Goldfish are in here someplace.

Ah-ha! Got them!