Sunday, May 31, 2009

Safety Town

This morning Andrew and I took the boys to Mason's Mills Park to play on the playgrounds, the little safety town they have set up and for a picnic lunch. It was a beautiful day so we wanted to get out and do something with the kids, especially since Nate is now only taking one nap a day. We try to keep him occupied in the morning so he doesn't notice he's tired!

This little safety town is so cute - a true town set up for the kids to run through and ride bikes around. It's adorable! We had been here once before last year but I wanted to try it again now that Nate will also be able to enjoy it.

Ben was not too into taking photos today so he would not stand still or smile, but I did happen to get one of him in front of one of his favorite buildings, the firestation.

Here's Nate in front of the Home Depot. He has morphed into another mini Andrew lately, loving to go on errand runs to "the depot" and Lowe's with dad. In addition, the newest word he has added to his vocabulary is "hammer!" Another little fix-it man in the making :)

Here he is exploring the safety town with his walker. He loves to walk all over the place, even if steering is still something he needs to work on. (sidewalks, beware!)

Finally, the three men having their lunch. Nate's so excited to sit at the "big table" lately and will pull himself right up to it instead of preferring to eat off of his tray. Ben loves that he is allowed to have a little bag of chips whenever we take a picnic lunch someplace :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The boys and I are bringing dinner to a family at church tonight so they helped me make a chocolate cream pie for dessert. Yum, this was the highlight of the morning for them!

Nate got the whisk and kept going "mmm....mmmm" the whole time he licked it...

...and Ben got the bowl and a spoon. He thoroughly enjoyed scraping every last bit out of that bowl!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Scrap Friends

One of my dearest friends is moving to VA in a few weeks as her husband starts his residency at the University of Virginia. So, on Sunday night our regular scrapbooking group got together for a farewell for Aimee. Here is a lovely picture Julia took of all of us, such a wonderful momento of our night and time together here in PA. (l-r: Julia, Heather, Amy, Aimee and me)

We will miss you dearly, Aimee!

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend we stayed home and had such a nice time relaxing after several fairly busy weekends. We did some local things as a family, Andrew and I got some work done around the house, and we just had a nice time laying low in this beautiful weather. Of course, Andrew and I are absolutely wiped out now that it is 9pm on Monday night after several days in the heat with the two active little men of ours!

On Saturday morning we met our friends the Kriebels for our local Memorial Day parade in town. It was small and not crowded, which was perfect for the kids. All of them had a blast - this was Ben and Nate's first parade and they both loved seeing the sites and Ben loved collecting all of the candy that was thrown.

Daddy and Nate checking out the action. Nate loves to point at everything lately and ask "What dat?" or "Dat?" and if he knows what it is, he likes to tell us what he sees. He really talks a lot and is great at repeating words and sounds. His latest favorite is "star." Whenever he sees one, he will point it out by name and often he spots stars before we even do! Here, he was pointing to the dog across the road that looked like Barney...

The three "big kids," Tyler, Samantha and Ben eating their snacks and waiting for the action to start. Thank you, Samantha, for looking and waving at the camera when I tried to get everyone's attention :).

Here comes the parade! Ben truly was amazed by all of the lights, sirens and cars and trucks that went by.

Ben and Tyler checking out the local high school band. Not as exciting as the trucks but they all still clapped their hands to the music anyways. It was really very cute!

All five of the kids watching the action...possibly waiting for the next car to throw candy out of its window :)

One of the most exciting exhibits, the John Deer tractors!

Me and the boys. These photos are funny as you watch the progression of Ben's crankiness at being told to sit still and take a photo. At least Nate seemed content to be the big cheese for the camera :)

"Come and take a picture with us, Ben..."

"Everyone look at the camera..." (no luck)

Nate has to clap for some of the most exciting attractions that pass by....and we're starting to lose Ben even before we had him!

"Hi, camera!" says Nate....but Ben is already gone! Maybe next time when there are not more exciting things to watch such as firetrucks and ambulances...

Ben quickly got the hang of running for the candy when it was thrown...and we came home with as much candy as Halloween!


Today I officially did my boy mom duty of the week...I helped to launch model rockets all afternoon after Ben and Andrew built one together. This was one of Andrew's favorite things to do as a kid and he wanted to introduce it to the boys. They both really were amazed by how high the rockets can go!

Here are a few of Andrew and Ben assembling their rocket. This one did not need to be painted or anything; Andrew figured he'd cross that path when Ben is a bit older.

Ta-da! The launch pad is complete...

Here the two engineers stand beside their latest vessel, just moments before the inaugural launch. What a bunch of proud guys! And yes, there is a large yellow dog in the background that looks like he is about to squat to do his business - lol!

Getting all set up for the launch...

And 3-2-1...blast off! Ben got to press the button first. Barney was terrified (as you can see) even though it is not very loud at all. That's our wimpy doggie!
Nate got a turn to press the launch button too!

Nate was intrigues by the rockets and kept pointing up asking "Dat?" and making a "whoosh!" noise!

Here it comes...down...down....down....uh oh!

Looks like the rocket landed pretty far out in the yard so Andrew and Ben had to go back into the thick brush and retrieve it. You can barely see Ben the grass is so tall all the way back there!

Daddy's shoulders are a much nicer ride through such thick grass!

And success! They found the rocket!

As the rocket was being hunted down, I snapped a few shots of Nate "walking."

Funny scrunchy nose face!

This weekend Nate started to really stand on his own for long periods of time and has taken up to 2 steps in a row. We wouldn't consider him walking yet since it's not regular and he still falls face forward most of the time, but soon we will hopefully have his own post of pictures of him walking...

Standing by himself!

1....2 steps!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Harleysville Duck Pond

This week is absolutely beautiful spring weather here is PA...finally! The boys get very rammy when they are cooped up in the house for too long so I have been trying to take them outside to play any free time we have, which they love. This morning we met Amy, Tyler, Samantha, and Brianna at the duck pond in Harleysville. What a fun time the kids had seeing and feeding the ducks!

Here are the three big kids throwing their bread into the water. I tried to give Nate some as well since he is obsessed with ducks lately but he kept eating it himself - ha ha!

Ah, l'amour! Nate and younger woman Brianna having a West Side Story moment as they spot each other from afar :) ...

Nate is on the road to last! He loves using walkers and cruising all over the place. I remember Ben at this phase and he was walking on his own within the month so we are hoping Nate will take off on his own soon.

Baby Bri!

Some cute sibling shots of my boys and also the two oldest Kriebels.

All of the "big kids" watching and feeding the ducks. I can't believe Nate is now classified as one of the big kids! :)

After all of the excitement with the ducks, the kids had fun playing on the playground as well.