Yesterday Benjamin had his four month pediatrician appointment - we can't believe that he is growing so quickly! He has his second round of immunizations and handled them pretty least after the initial bout of hysteria as the doctor was administering them. My heart nearly broke when he gave me that sad "why are you doing this to me?" look while his lip quivered :(. He got over it soon enough, though, and was babbling and smiling a few minutes later. Since then, he hasn't had any reactions to them and is basically back to his usual happy self so we're taking that as a good sign.
As far as Ben's growth stats, he is actually not quite as big a boy as we had thought but he is following his growth chart steadily and is right on target. He is 25-3/4" long (90th percentile), 15 lbs. 8 oz. (55th percentile) and has a 16-1/2" head circumference (45th percentile). All of his routine tests were fine (hearing, vision, etc.) and the doctor said that his basic skills - sitting alone for a short time, leaning forward when sitting, rolling over, tracking of objects, hand/eye coordination, to name a few - are on par with a 5-6 month old so we were happy to hear that. He's well on his way to becoming a Lehigh grad like his mom and dad!!
Below are a few photos of Benjamin is his high chair, a routine we started just this week so that he can sit with us and play with his toys while we eat dinner. He looks so cute and little all strapped into his big boy chair!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
I love this boy!!! He is so cute and cracks me up just from the pictures. We can't wait to spend time with you guys in a few weeks. PS Tell Lauren she looks great.
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