I was lucky enough to stumble across this adorable sand and water table for Ben on clearance at Amazon.com a few weeks ago when I was investigating some fun outdoor things to keep him occupied this summer. For less than half of the retail value, I thought it would definitely be a fun pre-summer gift for him, something to get him excited about playing outside once it's nice out (if that ever happens, given the snowstorm we had last night!).
It arrived today so we set it up to give it a trial run before we fill it up and put it on the deck. One half will get filled with sand and the other half with water. Ben likes to splash and loves sand so he should have a field day with this!
Testing out the funnels and wheels.
Daddy thought it would be funny to put Ben inside!When the table isn't in use, there is a cover that has recessed roads on it for Ben's cars and trucks. This was another reason I couldn't pass this table up - even when it's not in use he can use it. He loved the roadway and brought all of his small cars and trucks up to give it a try. His favorite is his ambulance Matchbox car, which he always races around while making a siren sound!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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