Monday, October 01, 2007

Baking with Mommy

I decided to attempt baking with Ben today since Andrew and I both always used to love baking with our moms when we were younger. Ben likes to help out nowadays so I knew he would probably find this new activity fun and exciting (and tasty!). Oh, and we have Mommy and Me baking sets that I needed an excuse to use :).

I went for those complicated Pillsbury peanut butter cookies since I didn't think Ben is ready to handle measuring out ingredients yet. He had a great time...baking and eating!

"Hey buddy, watcha lookin' at? You gotta problem with a man in a polka dot apron with matching potholders?"

Testing out the dough for texture. I imagine I confused him since he was sitting in his high chair but I kept telling him not to eat the raw dough.

Ok, one bite won't hurt....or two entire raw cookies. Yes, when I had my back turned to pull our first batch out of the oven, I realized that not one, but two entire raw balls of dough had been eaten during my absence with a very guilty looking little boy sitting next to the tampered baking sheet! He seemed fine for the rest of the day so I guess it didn't harm him and now I know not to leave him unattended with raw dough anymore...

Had to try the orange sprinkles we put on top of the cookies, too...

So proud of our first batch of cookies, all ready to go into the oven.

I could get used to this baking thing!

Here, I finally discovered how to work the automatic timer so you can (sort of) see our matching baking attire and potholders.