Friday, November 16, 2007

Tyler's 3rd Birthday Party

Today we went to Tyler's 3rd birthday party and Ben had such a good time celebrating with one of his best friends. The theme was bugs and the whole party centered around different types of Ben (and Tyler's!) favorite creepy crawlers.

Here is Tyler with his birthday dirt pudding dessert, filled with none other than gummy worms.

Yum, Ben loved the dessert and didn't hesitate to ask for "more" when he finished his first bowlful.

Everyone got to make balloon bugs at the party using markers, glue, tissue paper and pipe cleaners. Ben was more into the markers than the actual craft but he always has a fun time doing crafty things regardless.

Of course present time was the highlight of the day for the kids. Here they all help Tyler enjoy his new gifts, looking on with longing, wishing it were their own birthdays!
Ben liked Tyler's new dinosaur set that he got and immediately moved to the front row to get a better look as Tyler opened it.
Here some of the kids look on as Tyler's mom Amy opened Ben's gift to Tyler - a tic-tac-toe beanbag toss. It's amazing how focused they can all become when it really matters!