Saturday, January 26, 2008

Benjamin's Big Boy Room

Given that our move continues to be on hold, we decided to go ahead and set up a new bedroom for Ben at our current house. At this point we will not be moving until after the new baby arrives anyway and we figured that it would be better for Ben to get used to seeing his big boy room now instead of springing a new house, new sibling and new room on him when we do move. So, we decided to set up what we could of his new room. It's the no-frills version at this point since we are not painting it the color we eventually want to use and will not hang many pictures or curtains. But, for now it looks very cute and he seems excited about it. He even helped us to carry all of his toys to his "new big boy room" this morning. We have not forced the bed yet, as he still sleeps in his crib, but we'll see if he shows interest and then gradually work towards that.

So, ta-da! Here's Benjamin's new room, decorated in a (what else?) cars and trucks theme.

Starting with his his newly decorated door...

We had to bring his frog chair to the new room even though it really matches the nursery. He loves to sit on it and look through his books and was not even interested in it until he was about a year old, so we figure the new baby won't miss it for now. By the time he's ready for it, Ben will have hopefully lost interest. So, I set up a little reading corner for Ben near his windows. He loves to sit in his chair, look through his books and keep an eye on any happenings in the neighborhood out of his windows!

Lots of room for all of his decorative items and books that have to stay up high.

He has a new bookshelf for all of his toys and board books that he cannot rip if left unsupervised with them! Plus his very own road carpet that Nana and Pop got him for Christmas.

Here's Andrew reading Ben some books in his new room before bed tonight. Of course we took him back across the hall to sleep in his crib after this instead of trying out the new bed, but we figure that we'll take it one step at a time and are just glad that the new room went over so well today.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Ben's new room looks adorable! It's neat to see Andrew's old furniture used again, it looks great. Can't wait to talk and catch up. I miss you guys like crazy! Love, Michelle (and of course Kurt and Maddie too)