Monday, June 09, 2008

13 Weeks Old

Nathaniel is 13 weeks old tomorrow so I took a few tummy shots a day early. Look at the head control on this guy! He loves to hang out on his tummy for long periods of time and constantly tries to pull himself to a sitting position when he is laying down or on your lap (not there quite yet, but trying hard!).


Mike and Chang said...

He really looks like you in these three pictures. Can't wait to hold him soon!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing, Chang! Little Nate has Liz's lips for sure! He's becoming a little man...we can't wait to give his brother and him hundreds of kisses! Love from Nana and Pop!

Kurt and Michelle said...

He's looking so big and alert!! What a little guy :) Love you all!

Kurt and Michelle said...

He's looking so big and alert!! What a little guy :) Love you all!