Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Meals

All babies always make it a point to be especially fussy during mealtime. Murphy's Law. I remember with Benjamin that we did not have a peaceful family dinner until he was able to eat finger foods at the table with us. This kept him occupied (and quiet) and we were once again able to eat without holding a fussy child or listening to a whining or crying baby. I was thinking about how this will not be too much longer for Nate since he'll be doing the finger food thing in another month or two. And then I remembered our secret weapon when Ben was his age.... mesh feeders! So, today at lunch I propped Nate in the high chair, filled his meshy feeder with a cube of pureed bananas and voila, he was occupied the entire lunchtime so that Ben and I could eat. Whoever invented these things should get an award...