They loved the slide. Nate also smiled as he went down it but since I was helping him out (and forgot to bug another mom to take a photo) I only have pictures of Ben on it.
There are lots of toys for babies as well as toddlers and preschoolers. Nate had fun exploring and was stuck on this rattle ball the entire time. He didn't want to give it up!
Here the two brothers play together again with some fun infant toys.
Ben loved pulling around the big red wagon they have and loved it even more when he got the idea to fill it with big trucks!
On a side note, we are very proud of Benjamin this week. He decided last weekend that he did not want to wear his diapers anymore and has been wearing underpants ever since with only 2 accidents the entire week. He wakes up dry from his naps (even though we put a Pull Up on him for those, just in case) and tells us when it's time to use his potty. And two big milestones yesterday and today - he offically did his #2 business in his potty consistently yesterday and also used the public restroom at the Bucks-Mont Sports Center this morning as well. He had been hesitant to use the "big potty" before today but thanks to our nifty fold-up Sesame Street potty topper that we can keep in the diaper bag, he had no problems and no fears. What a big boy he is!
Those truck and firetruck "underpant-es" that Nana bought him may have done the trick. We're so proud of Ben. And now Nate sits in the big-boy shopping cart....what more can you ask for??? Nana and Pop are VERY proud!
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