SURPRISE! Well, our latest news this week is that we are expecting again. So, on or around November 2nd, 2009, Andrew and I will officially be outnumbered! We are very excited, but I am sure we will be busy come the fall since this baby and Nate will only be 19 months apart and we will have three children ages 3-1/2 and under. Yikes! That sounds so much worse when it's actually in writing - lol! :)
I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 7 weeks and 5 days along. I saw the heartbeat and all looks well. I am, however, feeling awful most of the day. I had morning sickness with the others and it was more than just in the morning, but it seems like this one is worse than the others, at least so far. Other than that, I am tired but less so than I was with the others as well. I already have bad heartburn (another hairy baby, possibly?) and I am starting to really show already. I will be tested early for gestational diabetes since I have a history with both of my other pregnancies and the doctor is testing my thyroid since I am absolutely freezing this time around. All the time, to the point that I am shaking. This could, however, have something to do with the fact that we now live in a 150-year-old farmhouse that does not use heat as efficiently as it could. :) He didn't seem too worried but wanted to run the test regardless since this can be a temporary problem with pregnancy sometimes.
Otherwise, we are doing well and are excited to spread our news. We have not yet told Ben but will tell him very soon. It will be fun to see how differently he reacts to the news this time since basically he was in Nate's position last time and didn't understand.
We will keep you posted as the pregnancy progresses!
Here is the obligatory ultrasound picture that really means nothing to anyone other than the doctor. But, I felt that I should post it, even though I was too lazy to hook our scanner up and just took a cryptic photo of it :). So, introducing Baby C.... Enjoy!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
Congratulations!! So happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet the newest member of the Martin clan!
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