Today was my 12 week OB check-up so the boys and I ventured out to Abington Hospital this morning for the big event of "seeing the new baby." Thank God for Easter lollipops when you have to have an internal exam with two little kids (im)patiently waiting! Ben was deadset on the fact that the baby was coming home with us today...and kept saying that he doesn't see a baby while we were looking at the ultrasound! "I don't see a baby there, Mommy"..."Where's that new baby, Mommy?"
Plus, Ben has now decided that he wants a "boy baby" (who, coincidentally he wants to name "Baby Nate!) because "Ben wants two brothers, three boys, four with Daddy, fiiive (as he says it) with Barno." Good grief, would I be outnumbered! So we will have to see how many times this changes since last week he wanted a "girl baby like Baby Brianna," his friends Tyler and Samantha's little sister :).
So, the appointment...
Things went pretty well. I am still very nauseous all day long, although not vomiting quite as often. My diabetes has been running on the low side and I have had several low blood sugar attacks in the past week or so, so after reviewing my log, the doctor has given me the ok to add an additional snack into my day, which would allow me to eat a few more carbs than I am eating now. So, that was good! I have to monitor it closely and cut back as soon as I see any adverse reactions or high glucose levels.
I am measuring slightly larger than my due date, although the original ultrasound at 8 weeks is the most accurate so my date does not change. Result: I will need to have monthly ultrasounds to closely monitor my diabetes and make sure the baby is not getting too big. I am measuring about 1 week ahead of where I should be at this point, but this could also even out. The good news is that I get to have monthly ultrasounds AND there is a higher chance that we will be able to find out the gender of the baby a few weeks earlier than expected, during one of these routine ultrasounds. Here is today's ultrasound. No wonder Ben couldn't figure it out - ha ha!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
Great to hear about the pregnancy! How fun it would be to find out the sex a little earlier because of all the ultrasounds...a silver lining perhaps to all the crummy nausea..hah! Well, just wanted to say hi and I think about you often and love you lots :)
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