The Martins from Buffalo are in Pennsylvania this weekend to see their son Jeff, his fiancee Becky and to meet Becky's parents before the wedding. Fortunately, we live close enough to Jeff and Becky that we were able to plan a get-together with everyone while Aunt Loretta and Uncle Dave were in town. So, the NY Martins visited all of the PA Martins (and one soon-to-be PA Martin) :). Everyone came to our house for a BBQ, so with perfect weather and great company, we had a very fun night catching up and relaxing.
Here are Jeff and Becky and the two boys. Ben warmed up right away and immediately, everyone was his best friend. Of course in this photo, he is exerting his usual "deer in headlights," "No, I don't want to smile for a picture" stance. But once the camera went away, he was back to his usual self!
Nate, had a slightly different approach. After he took his usual time to warm up to everyone, he wouldn't stop talking! He told me the next day, "I had too much fun, Mommy! I had the BIGGEST fun!"

Uncle Dave (aka Uncle Bobo. Don't ask, since I probably couldn't remember to tell you :)), Aunt Loretta, Jeff and Becky with the boys. Unfortunately, Abby had already gone to sleep so she missed out on the photo shoot :(.

Me and Becky, the two crafty coffee-lovin' world travelers :)

Now these photos are for Aunt Loretta since she was sad that we had put Abby to bed before they had a chance to give her the little gift they had brought along. So, here is Miss Abby meeting her Little Mommy busy bee dolly for the first time. It was truly love at first sight and our little bee friend has now become a regular crib friend :)
Why, hello, pretty blue-eyed bee. Are you here to play with me?

I love her sooo much, Aunt Retta!

I think I'll give her a big slimey kiss to show you just how much :)

Thanks to the Martins from Buffalo and PA for coming to visit us. We had such a nice time seeing everyone and spending some time with all of you! See you in November when Becky will be the one in white :)