We attended our first prince and princess party for our friend Alyssa's 5th birthday party. What FUN! Abby had been given a Belle costume by a friend so she fit in with all of the other princesses and the boys surprisingly were excited about dressing up as princes with some homemade crowns and their ties. I couldn't get them to do capes, but I figured I'd stop pushing while I was ahead of the game! What a fun, fun day!!
The boys in their prince attire giving each other this mischievous little look!
Here are Prince Benjamin, Prince Nate and Princess Abigail pre-party...Belle, my favorite Disney princess ever. This Belle is even cuter than the cartoon, if I do say so myself :)
The princes hard at work making royal flags for their castles...
Snow White also made an appearance! My she looks a lot like Brianna :)
...and we also had THREE other Belles and one Sleeping Beauty. Who'd have known that the Beast was such a popular guy?
Nate posing with his damsel in distress...this poor princess will soon have her crown stolen for a Place the Crown on the Princess game :)
Samantha and Abby had on the exact same Belle costume. The other two Belles also had on the same costume, although they were a different dress than these two.
Birthday girl Alyssa, complete in her Belle costume and glittery up-do!
An attempt at a group photo. I feel like this is one of those What's Wrong with this Picture scenes that you find in children's magazines. Uh, let's see...Nate is hysterically crying because he didn't want to stop playing to take a photo. Snow White is, uh, showing a little too much shoulder :). Anthony has escaped from the scene (you can see the very top of his head in the foreground). Abby is crawling away. And one of the princes is disguised as Shaq. :) But, my, the birthday girl looks happy and that's what's important, right?
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