After a good trip to the pediatrician, who informed us that Abby was getting all four 1-year molars at once, and then having her get the two immunizations she was due to get, we had a few cranky days at home with our curly girly. So, I didn't get a chance to update our blog with her statistics. Thankfully, the teeth have come through and the after effects of the shots have died down, so we're back to normal around here. "Normal" nowadys is a smiley, happy, easygoing girl who gets into everything and is finally walking. She laughs all the time, is fresh much of the time, and is a sweetheart always!
Abby shakes and nods her head at everything, obeys 2 step commands and eats with a spoon and fork more neatly than Ben does! She is not talking much yet, but clearly understands us and uses gestures in place of words at this point. She says "Mama," "Dada," "Beh" (Ben), "Nene" (Nate), hi and that's about it and even those are not used all the time. The doctor didn't seem concerned. She seemed to think that maybe Abby had two spokesmen representing her at all times through the day, so she didn't have the need to talk much :)...if you get my drift. We've done the drill with the late talker before with Ben, so we know to keep an eye on this. The doctor said we'll see how she is doing at 18 months but it didn't seem like a concern.
Here are her statistics. She is still on the smaller side for weight, but her hearty eating habits have caused this to not be as slight as in other months. This girl can EAT!!
Height: 30-1/2 inches (50th)
Weight: 20lbs. 8oz. (20th)
Head circumference: 18 inches (50th)
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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