Yesterday I took Benjamin for his first official photo session at The Picture People. He wore his little Easter outfit again, since it's so cute and he won't get to wear it too many more times before he outgrows it. All of the girls at the shop thought he looked so cute and sophisticated!
Here are two photos on our way to our appointment. The little bib definitely helped to preserve the cleanliness of his shirt since he's become accustomed to drooling lately!
Benjamin's photo session took about 30 minutes and they were able to capture him in five different poses. He did really well and was not fussy at all (thank God!); we just had the challenge of getting him to look at the camera since he seemed fixated on the wall in the opposite direction! Ben's not smiling on cue yet so all the photos show a serious face...except for the one where they posed him with a teddy bear and he appears to be scared of it!
Below is a link to the online archive of our photos at The Picture People. You can view the five different poses and purchase any reprints or merchandise. To see the photos in full size you will need to create an account; otherwise you can view the thumbnails.