Friday, April 07, 2006

Benjamin's Second Week at Home

This was my first week home alone with Benjamin for a few days. We're starting to discover some of the tricks to keeping Ben from fussing and making him look as angelic as he does in the following photos, such as bouncy seats, his cradle swing, and cuddling him a lot.

" Ocean Wonders bouncy seat - fish, music, vibration, the works. This is the life...":

"Ok, I've had enough of this for now....try again later, Mom":

Benjamin has started to really focus on things when he looks at them now. We've noticed that he seems more alert to faces and his toys than ever. We know he's trying to focus really hard when he either furrows his brow or crosses his eyes. Either that or he has gas! :)

On Wednesday Ben's Aunt Michelle came to stay with us for two nights. Michelle and I decided to go on a walk with the baby yesterday afternoon since it was so nice out. Here's Ben not really sure if he likes this idea or not:

"Maybe if I sleep deeply, they really won't dress me in this Winnie the Pooh outfit and take me outside..."

"So much for that idea..."