Benjamin has been quite the popular little guy these past two and a half weeks! From his first day in the hospital to earlier today when Aunt Michelle left after staying with us for a few days to help out, he has had many people visit to ohh and ahh over him. Of course he's slept through most of these visits :)....
Here's a photo of Benjamin and his nana, taken only a few hours after his birth:The next day Grandpa G, CC, Aunt Maggie and Billy came to visit us in the hospital:
What good timing Ben had when he decided to be born on March 20. Uncle Kurt and Aunt Michelle already had plans to be visiting from Seattle a few days later for a wedding, so they were able to come and see Benjamin three days after his birth. We're so happy that they were able to see the baby right away. Mommy's so proud of her little planner for deciding to arrive over a week early so that Kurt and Michelle's visit worked out!
After Andrew returned to work, my mom stayed with us for a week to help me out as I recovered. My dad dropped her off at the house one weekend and picked her up the following weekend. Here's a picture of Pop Caulfield with Benjamin at just under 2 weeks old:
Finally, Aunt Michelle was able to visit us again for two nights this past week during her school's Spring Break. She was a huge help around the house and in helping to settle the baby down. Ben's favorite sleep position is on our chests so here he is yesterday with his happy aunt:
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