Ben's developed some of the funniest facial expressions and has a knack of opening his eyes R-E-A-L-L-Y wide whenever he hears a strange sound or tries something new. I gave him another go on his Jumparoo this afternoon and was able to capture some funny faces on camera as he learned to kick his legs to make the Jumparoo move up and down, and also to slap the toy console to make the lights flash and music start to play.
Posing prior to playtime. Ben really is only 10 weeks old even though he looks about 2 years old here (had to sneak this cute photo in somewhere...):
Getting started on the Jumparoo (ignore the large yellow dog who wouldn't move out of the way of the camera. What a big cheese!):
Serious play, checking this thing out:
Whoa! So many funny sounds and movements!: