Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gym, Frogs, and the Dog

Thursdays we go to Gymboree so today Benjamin and I had our class once again. "Someone" was a little cranky for part of the class today (hint: not me!) but he was in a good mood for the first half. Here Ben's contemplating what he really thinks about me singing silly songs to him with half a dozen other moms doing the same thing!

The consensus this week is that Ben will be an early crawler since he already has quite a bit of upper-body strength during Tummy Time, especially for 7-1/2 weeks old. So I should enjoy the time while he is still immobile! :)

Once we got home and Ben was refreshed from his nap, I decided to be a good mommy and had a photo shoot with "the boys." So, we got out our big frog chair and began! Ben's been so smiley lately and I was luckily able to catch some on camera again. Barney, however, kept letting out heavy sighs whenever I'd try to pose him next to the baby and (obviously, by the looks of him) would have much preferred playing fetch or tug-of-war instead!

"Smile, Ben!"

"That's it. No more smiles for you, Mom. I feel like I've been doing this all day..."


Nana and Pop said...

I don't mean to be biased, but he's the cutest little guy I've ever seen! Love, Nana