Friday, November 24, 2006

Barney and Baby Return

Barney was on vacation at "Camp Caulfield" with my parents while we were in Florida and he just came back home on Wednesday evening. Ben has had a fixation with Barney for the past few months but since reuniting with his big dog this week, he has developed even more of an obsession with our Lab. Apart from staring at him and trying to touch him, Ben now sometimes bursts into hysterics for no apparent reason when he sees Barney!!

Here is Ben pulled up on his dinosaur toy, reaching for his stacking toy as Barney supervises. Apparently Ben hasn't yet taken notice of Barney perched behind his toy as he is quite intent on grabbing his stacker.

Oh, here he is!! Much to Barney's chagrin, he has found himself the leading party in a game of Peek-a-boo. I mean, he was hiding behind that dinosaur toy so he should probably just play along...

"I can't take it, Barney! You're TOO funny!" (Barney looks amused by this game, doesn't he?)

Ben shares his toys with his big, hairy brother. It's amazing how Barney knows which of the plastic toys laying around the house are his and which are Ben's.

Babysitting. Barney follows us around the house during the day and literally guards Ben while he plays. It is very cute that he is so overprotective of his little brother. Poor Barney gets jeered, poked, prodded, pulled, and rolled on by our active little boy but he still persists in sitting still and watching over the baby.

Oh, there he goes again - Barney must have done something hysterical again unbeknownst to him!