Monday, December 04, 2006

Decorating for Christmas

This past weekend we decorated for Christmas. Here is Ben helping out as we brought up all of our (many!) plastic tubs filled with holiday decor. He's crawling all over the place and pulling up constantly now so this made decorating quite the process (so much so that we did most of it while he napped!). His favorite decorations? Well, the little ceramic village I have underneath our tree and the fallen pine needles, naturally!

Here he is in his Anywhere Chair with his new snowman friend.

Finally, at church this past weekend, Ben made his first craft. Two, actually. Here are his two creations - what a little Picasso! The ladies in his Sunday School class vowed that Ben made these all by himself (wink, wink). Maybe he will follow after my own heart and be a craft lover himself (as I type this, he has lost interst in his toys and is fiercely crawling across the room on a mission for my own craft supplies!). Of course his creations are showcased on our refrigerator...