Monday, December 11, 2006

Here Comes Trouble!

Now that Benjamin is crawling (and getting faster by the day, it seems), we're definitely in trouble! He has discovered Barney's water bowl and has dumped it on himself and the poor dog a handful of times already, has found the Christmas tree and has also discovered that the stereo knobs are fun to play with. Recently, he discovered the stairs and our basket of catalogues and has become fascinated with his findings. Lucky for us, we receive a new round of catalogues at least every few weeks so this morning I didn't really see the harm in letting Ben explore to his heart's content.

Caught red-handed!

So much fun. Too bad his basket of toys aren't this exciting...

Taking a rest. Tearing, tossing, chewing and crinkling catalogue after catalogue is tough work!

On to bigger and better things once the excitement wears off, but Mommy's house is left a mess!

Next stop: the stairs. He pulls himself up and is now reaching for the second or third step but has not yet figured out that he can climb them so our house is still free of wooden gates until he realizes this!