After much anticipation, we are very happy to announce that IT'S A GIRL!
Well, most likely, that is. We had our 18 week level II ultrasound this afternoon and this little active person would not give 100% cooperation but the perinatologists are about 80% sure that our next Martin is a girl. They said that they did not see "anything resembling Ben or Nate, as far as they could tell" and that they usually will not guess unless they feel pretty strongly about their findings. But, to confirm things, my doctor said that he will do a regular ultrasound in the office in about 2 weeks when I come in for my next routine check-up if we do not have 100% cooperation for the level II. So, we're waiting until then to get really excited but it sounds like the results should be the same. So, it looks like the 77% majority in my poll are the winners!
Here is one photo from today of the baby's body profile.
Other than that exciting news, all looked well with the ultrasound and the baby is measuring exactly on target for 18 weeks. I will be going for a fetal echocardiogram next month and will also be heavily monitored as I enter the end of the second trimester and third trimester, due to my early onset of the gestational diabetes. This is the time when the diabetes' effects could really be seen on the baby, if any will show up. Basically, since GD was diagnosed so early and it is so uncommon for it to appear at that stage, they will be treating me as a full-time diabetic. So I am officially a high risk pregnancy. But, as long as the monitoring gives good results, I can go about all normal activity and keep to a diet-only controlled GD instead of having to go on insulin. So please pray about that.
The baby's heartbeat was very strong and all of the bodily systems they monitored today are formed as they should be and functioning properly.
I will keep you updated in two weeks when I visit my OB for my routine exam....and we will now keep you in suspense for the second half of the pregnancy about the name we choose for the baby (hee hee hee). That is, once we decide on one :)
Congratulations, I am so happy and excited for you! A Girl!!!
This is very exciting news for Nana and Pop...we LOVE our boys but a little girl to make some dresses and sun-suits for will be so much fun for Nana!!!
Congrats Liz and Andrew! So happy for you!
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