Well, it's official, we are having a GIRL this time! The doctor did another ultrasound for me at my appointment this morning and there are no male parts from a front, back, or underside view. The resolution is not as good on the machine in the office as it is in the diagnostic center, where we had the level II ultrasound two weeks ago, but my doctor was also fairly certain he was able to make out the three lines of the labia so it seems safe to start thinking pink and purple! The good news is that I get regular ultrasounds each month so I will have a few more chances to double check on things before birth day :)
We are excited for the change this will bring to our family - a different gender in a different season so things should really be new for us this time around again! And we have already had people pass on their condolences for this little sister who will probably never be able to go on a date when she's a teenager, given her two older brothers :)
We are still up in the air with the name and will likely keep it a surprise until the birth, as we have done before. Mainly because we are undecided and did change Nate's name a few hours before he was born! But maybe we will change our minds once we decide on something. We'll see...
Otherwise, the appointment this morning went well. The baby is growing as she should be and the heartbeat is strong. My weight gain is on the very low end again this pregnancy but they are not concerned since the baby is growing adequately and usually this happens to people with gestational diabetes who follow a strict diet. So that sounds like a good perk to me, as long as the baby is healthy and the diabetes is under control!
I have been sick with a respiratory thing for the past few days so I do not dare post an updated photo of myself, but I will do so soon since my tummy has now "popped" and I definitely look pregnant now...
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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