The boys were fortunate enough to have both Pop and Nana and also Grandpa G up for a visit for their birthday party weekend. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited they were for this weekend! Their bright and sunny dispositions as we prepared for their party while having torrential rain and brutal wind outside really helped to liven up the gloomy weather!
The boys got to open up Nana and Pop's gifts the morning of their party and then they got to open up Grandpa G and CC's gifts right after the party. Talk about extending an already exciting day! Ben informed me that he is "still only 3 until his real birthday but he's allowed to open up his gifts early." LOL!
Whoa! Benjamin got his very first real bicycle with a Hot Wheels helmet from Pop and Nana!!! He still needs to learn how to ride it but he did okay for a first attempt. And yes, for thsoe of you who used to laugh at me when my knick-knacks on my coffee table were out of place (pre-children, of course), I have loosened up a bit. Hence the 4 year old riding through my formal living room with a bicycle he doesn't even know how to control yet - lol!Little Natey got his very own sleeping bag from Pop and Nana with rockets and planets all over it. He loved looking at it but informed me, "No. No, nap," when I tried to get him to go inside of it for a picture. Ha ha! I'm sure his mind will change when he and Ben are allowed to have a sleepover in their sleeping bags together, espcially now that Nate tells us constantly that he's big. Actually, he tells us he is 11, since that is his favorite number, thanks to Elmo and Cookie Monster :). He'll also enjoy joining his brother on our tricycle with his very own Toy Story bike helmet set!
And speaking of having his own toys, Nate got his very own red wagon from G and CC. It's exactly like Andrew's old wagon from his childhood that Ben sort of adopted these past 3 or so years. Now, both boys will have a wagon to pull around and fill with things this summer while they play outside. And did I mention that I am not the anal retentive person you once nicknamed Monica (from Friends, in case anyone had no idea who I was talking about)? Exhibit B: 2-year-old and 4-year -old pulling the large, wooden wagon through my formal living room :).
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
Awesome! :)
Your cake is cute! ;)
And all the kids look so grown-up.
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