Monday, March 15, 2010

Nathaniel - 2 Year Check-Up

This morning Nate went for his 2 year check-up at the pediatrician. He is doing great developmentally and was completely charming the doctor and staff with his mannerisms and funny verbal communication. He can carry on a full conversation now and will repeat everything we say, verbatim. He told the nurse "Nate, big boy and handsome guy" when she came in and proclaimed what a big boy he is now! He also told the doctor that 'Brother Benjamin" was naughty at breakfast. Ha ha!

The only area we discussed that warranted some improvement is him being an emtremely picky eater. So, I am going to try a few different attempts to hide some of the foods he will not eat in foods that he likes (let's hope he still likes them after this - ha!). Other than this area of concern on my part, he is doing great developmentally. Here are his stats:

Height: 34" (50th percentile)
Weight: 28.5 lbs. (62nd percentile)
Head circumference: 20-1/4 (95th percentile)

So, as you can see, we went from Abigail's appointment last week with her head being in the 4th percentile to Nate's head this time being in the 95th percentile. Ha ha!

Luckily, little Nate escaped having shots this time around since he was current on all of them. We had throught he would have some so I had warmed him about them. When he ended up not needing them, he proceeded to tell everyone he saw at the doctor's office and this afternoon that he had "No shots, Nate!"

He won't be back for a well visit until he is 3 so we now have two children on the yearly schedule instead of every few months. Yay, for fewer copays (that is, as long as we stay healthy)!


Lisa said...

So cute Liz! Your kids are precious! Ians head is in the 99th percentile! So we can relate! Must be the brains huh?!!