This morning Ben had his 4-year check-up at the doctor. He is doing really well - his hearing and eyesight are perfect, he spelled his name and knew all of the academic questions she asked him. He talked her ear off and his one area of concern - his speech - has seen drastic improvement with his private speech lessons so the doctor said that he is doing so well in that area. His stats are as follows:
Height 42-3/4 inches (92nd percentile)
Weight: 37 lbs. (60th percentile)
His Body Mass Index (BMI) is 8, which means he is on the very low end of being considered "normal weight." The doctor said his height and weight are fine for an active preschooler and there is no need for concern.
He needed 2 shots this morning - Chicken Pox and MMR - and took them like a man. He was brave and only cried for about 2 minutes. The lollipop he got afterwards seemed to instantly cure any pain or trauma from the shots :)
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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