No, we didn't get a new dog. Or a cat or a fish or a guinea pig either, for that matter. Well, then, what could it be??... ....It's a baby.....
Yes, Andrew showed up with a duckling tonight after work and the kids were thrilled. Our friends were getting some and asked if Andrew wanted one, too, so he decided to go for it. I guess we are truly farm people now that we own fowl - lol!
He was named Isaac by Ben and Nate agreed (there's a surprise, right? Nate the Mellow and Easygoing :)). Isaac is fuzzy and cute and is a little lonely so he has been crying a bit. I guess we should have gotten two of them so he would have had company :). We'll watch him grow for a few weeks and then release him into the wild when he's big enough. For now, the kids are having fun with him!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
Oh, how cute! I had told Andrew that they usually chirp around when they are alone, so if it gets to be too much, feel free to come and claim another! :)
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