So, Andrew and I are about $40 richer each month again. Yup, that's right, we decided to take the plunge (or should I say "plunger" - hee hee!) and take Nate's waking up dry each morning as a sign that it was time to say goodbye to the 'ole Huggies. It's been about a month and he is now fully potty trained, wearing his undies during his nap with no problems and waking up dry each morning, despite still wearing a Pull-Up at night (hopefully not for long). So, this post is in honor of our "big boy," as he likes to remind us many (many!) times each day :)
He was about a month shy of being 2-1/2 years old when we kissed the diapers au revoir, which is exactly the same pojnt when Benjamin potty trained. So, we are counting ourselves lucky that both of our boys have been fully potty trained before they were 2-1/2. By today's standards, especially for boys, this is young so we are very happy with both of their progress. That's not to say this happened without some coaxing. Yes, jelly beans are always involved in potty training at our house, Benjamin wore Pull-Ups at night for a long time and Nate needed a little nudge to get over his fear of the big bad potty at first. But after these bumps in the road were hurdled, we have come out unscathed with two potty-usin' fellows.
So, here are some pictures of the newest big boy in the Martin household, sporting his BVDs. He was having a case of the sillies this particular afternoon, and unfortunately he was in his plain blue undies instead of his more exciting Toy Story 3 ones that he got to pick out at Walmart after doing well for his first week. Man, we love dropping our drawers and showing everyone who visits the infamous "Buzz Lightyear Underpants!"
So, introducing Nate the Big Boy. He wears undies. He sits in a booster seat in the car. He likes to do things on his own and remind me all day long that "I'm a big boy now, Mommy." He has always seemed so much older than he really is since he speaks as well as any 4 year-old. But even so, it's still quite the wistful feeling for a mom, seeing your kids grow up. My little Natey is getting bigger and I love to watch him do things on his own and figure things outs. But, he does still remind me that he's a baby sometimes, like when he whispers to me every morning when I go in to get him out of bed, "Pick me up, Mommy, I'm a baby." And he wraps his chubby little hands around my neck like he has always done. Then, I am reminded that he is still my baby who just happens to be growing up little by little.
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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