Here's Ben, dressed in his favorite new school shirt, which he picked out himself; with his backpack next to him filled with his homework (!!) - optional, but homework nonetheless; and holding his lunchbox, all packed with his lunch for his first Lunch Bunch and kindergarten enrichment session of the year. Wow, when did my baby turn into a little boy who picks out his own clothes, has homework and brings a bagged lunch to school since he'll be there from 9am-3pm??!! Well, all of a sudden this big boy is here at the Martin household and we don't even know where the time went.
But, boy oh boy, is he excited to be growing up. He has fully embraced this "big-boy-ness" and just loves the idea of being at school all day long one day per week. He'll have his regular schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday - being picked up before lunchtime - but every Thursday he will stay for the afternoon kindergarten enrichment session with his 3 buddies - Tyler, Samantha and Alyssa (among some other kids). He is enrolled in the art session, since Ben could do projects all day long if we let him and it works best with my schedule for Thursdays to be his long day.
After his morning preschool session is over, the kids who are in his enrichment class all eat lunch together in the kindergarten classroom (wow, now that is very exciting to Ben!). They have indoor play, outside or gym recess, and a half hour of rest time, where they lay on a mat and listen to music. Then they do their art session, have storytime and head home at 3pm.
Ben had such a wonderful time today at his Lunch Bunch and art session. He was so excited that he didn't have to do his quiet time in his room today and could instead do fun things at school. And of course he let Nate know about all of the fun he'd be having while Nate was napping...ohhh, about 10 times :).
We're looking forward to next Thursday already!!
Happy New Year 2013!
12 years ago
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