We cannot believe that it has been one year since our beautiful Abigail Nancy joined our family back on October 25, 2009. What a fun year it has been, learning what it's like to have a girl in the family and, specifically for me, a daughter. Abby is the sweetest, calmest baby and is just such a joy to all of us. We have recently started to see glimpses of her developing personality and are really looking forward to seeing it emerge even more during this second year of her life. We love you, Abigail! You are truly a blessing to us and, as Daddy would attest, you live up to your namesake of being "a Father's joy!"
This morning Abby had her one-year pediatrician appointment and, as usual, she was so good the entire time. She smiled at the doctor and the intern who saw us. She sat still and didn't fuss when they checked her vitals, she cried for, oh, maybe 10 seconds after her shots. And she performed on cue when asked to say "Mama," to wave, to stand and to clap. What a little well-behaved performer we have on our hands - ha ha!
She is still our little tiny girl and we love that she is so little and petite. Here are her current statistics:
Height: 29-1/8 inches (40th percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs. 13 oz. (10th percentile)
Head circumference: 17-3/4 inches (50th percentile)
Finally, some photos from her actual birthday yesterday at home. After all of the ladybug excitement on Saturday, yesterday certainly paled in comparison. But, the laid-back, quiet day at home was a nice rest for all of the kids.
Miss Abby's birthday surprises. If you read my Proverbs 31 Chronicles blog, you'll know that, yes, I am grinning ear to ear at the new wooden toys to add to our collection :). The doll stroller is from Grandpa G and CC (Abby sends a big thank you kiss!!), the baby high chair is from Mommy and Daddy and the doll Anywhere Chair is from Ben and Nate. I love Craig's List - I got both of our gifts NEW in the box for less than half of the actual cost! The real Abby got her own Anywhere Chair from Pop and Nana on her party day so of course Abby the doll couldn't not have one, could she?
Abby the doll in her new chair :)
...and her other new chair :)
...and her stroller!
Wait a minute! Now, here's the real Abhy in the new stroller! How functional...for now, she can be pushed in it and later on when she learns to walk, she can push it around. Love those Haba toys :)
Finally, one picture of Miss Abby at her birthday dinner at home. How convenient that she happens to love some of Mommy and Dadd's favorite foods...and that she requests them for her birthday dinner :). The menu was Chicken Marsala, Eggplant Parmesan, broccoli and buttered noodles. We were all caked-out after the party this weekend so for dessert we opted for another family favorite: Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundaes. Below, Abby enjoys a squirt of whipped cream with some fall sprinkles :)
Happy birthday to our little princess! You make every day just a little bit brighter :) We love you!
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