Thursday, October 07, 2010

IVNS Fall Field Trip

This morning was Benjamin's first field trip of the year with his Indian Valley Nursery School class.  We went to Freddy Hill Farms for a farm tour and to pick pumpkins.  What  great time, he had been talking about this for the past week and was so excited to get to do something special while his brother and sister were at a friend's house.

Here is Mrs. Fretz's whole class with Mrs Fretz in jean and Mrs. Bishop in black.  Benjamin got a little friendly with Lydia as the field trip went on :)

First, we took a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins.  Ben selected a big orange one and a small green-speckled one.

 My attempt at an artsy pumpkin picture.  I see it on an orange scrapbook page...
 After pumpkins we went through a gigantic corn maze and it was challenging enough that even a bunch of the moms (including myself) got lost inside!  It took us about 15 minutes to get out of it.  Seriously, this was no piece of cake and was actually a maze with deadends and all.

After the maze, we went down a giant slide and then had a homemade ice cream cone.  What a fun day with beautiful, perfect fall weather!!