Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year's 2009

New Year's weekend was spent with my family at my parents' house. We exchanged our Christmas gifts and had the extended family over for a New Year's Day party.

Here's Ben putting together his gingerbread train. Daddy had a fun time helping with this one!

Chase Philip Bager, my cousin Chris and his wife April's new little guy. He's the only other baby on my mom's side of the family so it was fun to have all three boys to celebrate with this year. What a little cutie!

And here is my immediate family exchanging our Christmas gifts. In this photo, Mike and I were just told that we'll have to give up our enormous stockings for the kids to use next year and we'll get "adult-sized" ones instead. Bah!

Our family photo....always tough with two little kids.

We have bought Mike the entire Sopranos series over the past few years and this year finishes up the set with season 6. We'll have to think of something else to get him next year! :)

Pop in his Santa hat. Daddy and Nate.

Ben opening his Matchbox cars carwash. The boys had some presents to open from Nana and Pop but their big present was a little wooden table and chairs for their new playroom at home. You can see photos on our Big Move blog.

Nate enjoying his shoe.