Monday, August 10, 2009

Little Rocking Chair

This weekend while at my parents' house for Mike and Chang's wedding, Nate developed a liking for the little antique rocking chair my parents had bought when Ben was little. He kept asking about his "chair" and just loved sitting in it and rocking.

Here he has spotted it and is on his way over. All of a sudden since he has started to walk, Nate has taken off and practically runs! It's so funny to see him on his two feet after so many months of him crawling every place :)
My little chair!

Mr Happy after his five hour nap yesterday afternoon, a result of being awake until 10pm on Thursday night and until almost midnight on Friday for the wedding festivities!


cRazYquiLter said...

I know this will not surprise you at all, but my parents have the exact same rocking chair AND Joshua has that yellow shirt from Children's Place :)