Thursday, November 12, 2009

2-Week Pediatrician Update

Abigail has been a part of our family for almost three weeks now! Earlier this week, I took her back to the pediatrician for her two-week check-up. She is doing really well and definitely seems to be getting bigger already. She is very alert and sweet but our challenge has been that she has been colicky at night. We have been trying a few different techniques and medicines that seem to be working somewhat, so hopefully she will get past this soon, for our sake, if not for her own - ha ha! A screaming baby for 4-5 hours every night is not exactly the life of the party! :) But colicky or not, we love having our little girl in our family and the boys are both adjusting really well to their new little sister.

Her current stats at 2-weeks old are:

Weight: 8.0 lbs. (up from 6 lbs. 12 oz. when she left the she is eating well!)
Height: 21 inches