Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crayola Factory

Today I met my friend Danielle and her two little boys - Joshua (4-1/2...almost :)) and Nicholas (20 months) at The Crayola Factory. This is the third time we have visited and it was fun, as usual. All four boys had a fun time being silly and playing and it was nice to catch up with Danielle again after close to a year (yikes!).

Model Magic is always popular in our house. Here are the boys, all hard at work with their creations.

Abigail in a Baby Bjorn close-up, very sleepy from having no real naps today. At least I was able to say sleepy instead of fussy. That was later in the day :).

Sidewalk chalk walkway. Erasing is always more popular than drawing in our house - lol!

Not too many photos today since it took a bit of juggling to handle all of the kids already, so the camera didn't get picked up as much as I would have liked. But, lastly, we visited the 2 Rivers Landing National Canal Museum upstairs from the Crayola Factory too. This is included on the tickets but we have never gone because Crayola usually wears us out and I honestly thought it was more for adults. Well, D and I felt a bit bad because we went at the end of our visit and the two 4-year-olds were really into the inner workings of the canal system. They got to push boats through the canals and operate the lock system themselves. But, unfortunately, the two youngest siblings (Nate was ok, just too young for the activities) were starting to lose it at this point so we didn't stay too long. Next time we are going to start here!