Saturday, August 14, 2010

BBQ at the Lombard's House

Aunt Cinty and David invited us over today for a BBQ and an afternoon of swimming in their pool. What a fun time we had! The food was yummy, the weather was nice, and we are had a great time visiting and swimming. It was the first time we have visited them where we have actually been able to swim in the pool for a long time. In the past when we've visited the weather was either rainy or someone didn't like the pool and wanted to get out the minute they got in. But not this time! It was sunny and warm out and the kids couldn't get enough of the pool. Nate was kicking and screaming when it was time to get out for dinner; he wanted to stay in the deep end all day!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pool pictures since I was able to enjoy a swim for the entire time we were all in. But, here are some great shots from after our swim. Thanks, Aunt Cinty and David for having us over!

Nate made himself very comfortable in their little grandson Jordan's kiddie chair....and found a table for himself along the way, too.

Mr. Silly who can't sit still for a second!

We brought an assortment of our home-grown garden veggies so we had some of the sweet corn. Yummy! It has become one of Benjamin's favorites this year since we have, oh, 20 or so ears a day to contend with :).
Dinnertime, Abby's favorite time of the day!
Miss Happy with "dada." Yes, I will try to pretend that any murmur that comes out of her mouth is really a variation on "mama," but alas, "dada "is her first word. Honestly, there is no respect at all for the one who takes care of her all day long :)....I will sit there and say "mama" to her and she will smile at me and say "dada." Hmph! Well! I see the beginnings of a very over-protective (and expensive) relationship here between daddy and his girl :)

No shame in the game...of potty-training. Well, actually this was my fault. Nate has been potty training so well these past few days that we let him wear his undies out of the house for our long visit today. Yes, I did bring a change of clothes for after swimming. But, what I didn't bring was an extra change in clothes for potty training. So, once he was all dried up from his hour+ in the pool...he had an accident in his pants and I had no clothes for the poor guy! Luckily, I had two extra undies and he loves to streak and be nude! Plus, it was 80-something degrees today so he was perfectly happy to sport his unders :)
Dessert, his favorite!

I love Nate to the moon and back...even when he's in his undies with his big belly hanging out, reclinging his feet and picking his nose :)

Me and Aunt Cinty...Yay! The photographers are actually in a photo!
David being charmed by his new girlfriend, Miss Abby :)


Kurt and Michelle said...

Glad you got to swim at Aunt Cinty's and Davids place! So many memories in that pool when I was kid! I can see why the boys didn't want to get out! Did they like that little seat in the deep end? I used to love that thing! hah. LOVED the photo of Nate lounging in his undies!! Classic! Love you guys :) ~Michelle