Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lehigh - Lafayette Day 2010

This past Saturday was the annual Lehigh vs. Lafayette football game, one of the oldest rivalries in the country.  Since it just so happens that Andrew and I are both alumni of Lehigh University :), we caught up with a group of our friends and planned a day back at the 'ole alma mater to root for them Lehigh Engineers (Mountainhawks, whatever you want to call them....depending on when you graduated!).  It's so much fun that so many of our friends from college live closeby and are also married to each other with children.  So, it's extra special to get together with the people whom we lived with throughout our Lehigh days...ten years after graduation!

There were several of our friends who were not able to make it up, but even we "regulars" who did make it had a blast tailgating and then watching the game back at Tim and Andrea's house, since the tickets for the game were hard to come by this year and it probably wouldn't be the easiest thing to do anyways with so many children in tow!

We had such a fun day of cheering on our team (who won!), catching up with friends, eating great food and just having a blast back to those simpler days of college life :).  We even drove the kids through campus and showed the the exact windows that were Mommy and Daddy's rooms when we were in college.  We walked them through Ulrich Student Center and showed them our old mailboxes.  How surreal to be there so many years later with our three children!  (And how strange that I actually remembered my mailbox number!!)

Here's Miss Abby, all dressed up in her proper Lehigh attire to root for her future school :).

Such a silly guy this Natey Joseph is!! :)  The boys each packed their own football to bring along to the tailgate party and it was a huge hit amongst all of the kids. 

Nate, Tayte McGeary and James Greenley out on the field.
Tim and Andrew were roomates in Lehigh and Jim lived in their dorm.  And for anyone with keen eyesight who may notice, yes, Andrew is wearing his finest LAFAYETTE colors...and we still allowed him to join us for tailgates despite his fashion faux pas when getting dressed that morning!
Miss Abby, so happy and resilient.  She went the entire day with a 30 minute nap in the car and was happy the whole time!  She especially enjoyed the chili at the tailgates :).
Nathaniel Birdsall, Jim and Jenn's little guy.  He'll be a big brother in a few days so he was alone with dad for this trip.

The girls: Andrea, me, Judi and Missy.  I lived with Missy and Andrea my senior year and also with Missy for a year after graduation before getting married.
The kids!  As I said, some of our other friends who are married to each other weren't able to come this time so the growing group of future engineers is even larger than this!  We have (l-r): Jonathan Greenley, Olivia Schoen, Abby, Nate, Ben, James Greenley, Nathaniel Birdsall, Amelia McGeary and Tayte McGeary.  Ben was impressed that he was the OLDEST out of the entire group!!!

Posing....Ben and Nate had their best "cheeeeeeeeeese!" chorus going as the paparazzi moms and dads took photos.

A happy Abby at the McGeary's house, eating lunch!!