Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Many Visitors, So Little Time!

Last week was definitely a week to remember!  It started out wonderful and escalated into not-so-wonderful due to something quite contagious called Pink Eye by mid-week.  Who knew my favorite color could ever be so undesirable?  But throughout the entire time, we were hosting a houseful of family members so the company could not have been better. 

Andrew's cousin Jeff lives nearby and was getting married so that prompted the visitors from both Seattle and Buffalo.  The Arcara family from Buffalo stayed with us for the weekend and Andrew's sister Michelle and her family stayed with us for a full week.  We also had to chance to see lots of other family members and friends throughout the wedding weekend so it was a great time of catching up with everyone.  That's not to say it wasn't CRAZY at times with 5 children - ages 4 months to 4-1/2 years - living under one roof for a week.  And that was even before everyone started to get sick!  But, our kids had such a great time seeing their two cousins and I know I loved seeing my two nieces for a full week.  We miss everyone who came to see us already!

The two youngest cousins, only 8 months apart in age: 1year-old Abigail and 4-month-old Sophia.
Three-year-old Madelyn helping to clean up the counters after lunch one day.  I'll tell ya, this kiddie spray bottle we have is a high-demand toy.  I actually had to take it away, it was causing so much drama in the house (not to mention so many wet surfaces, but it's just not as much fun without water inside, is it?).  So note to self if you have Christmas shopping to do for any 2-5 year olds, boys or girls!!
Our dress-up area in our playroom hosts our old Halloween costumes.  This has become a favorite game around here and Abigail thinks it's a total hoot when her brothers run around like orangutangs, frogs or blue monsters.  Maddie got in on the fun and the three of them streaked across the house in their furry threads, laughing and acting silly for quite some time one night!!
Pictures of the newly married Jeff and Becky Martin!  Most of my pictures came out dark and grainy :( but I did capture a few good ones from outside and the reception ones look alright on blogger but are too grainy to print :(.  The wedding was at the chapel at Valley Forge Christian College and the reception was at the Limerick Country Club.  Probably the most beautiful ceremony we have ever been to - everything was so personalized and just lovely - and the reception was awesome.  So much fun and just perfect!

Kurt and Michelle.
The Arcaras - Uncle John, Aunt Tina, Peter and Joy.
The wedding was fall-themed with a vintage feel to it.  Beautiful!

Mother and son dance.  Aunt Loretta looked amazing!!  That foxy lady in red.... :)
Me and Andrew enjoyed a night away from the kids for some good food and dancing.
So now that the wedding festivities are over and the Arcaras have headed back to Buffalo, the week went from wonderful to....awful!!!  Pink Eye struck, there was some coughing and sore throats, sleep was not on the forefront of the children's minds and Kurt left with his brother to drive cross-country to Seattle with a new car that they were bringing home.  So, Michelle was alone with the girls and sickness was spreading rampantly through the house.  FUN TIMES!!! :)  Lucky for the basically continuous brew of coffee that Michelle and I kept going and for the kids being basically in good spirits and happy to see each other during waking hours!

Our one outing we did all week, prior to our house being hit with "the plague" was a trip to Mr. B's Cafe at one of the larger local churches in our area.  It's a fun cafe with this huge indoor climbing structure for the kids.  Everyone basically had fun there, at least off and on!

Even Abby wanted to try to go up inside the climbing structure!

Love these kiddos!  Thank goodness for the three girls to give me nice smiles when prompted since the boys want nothing to do with this and intentionally give me their cheesiest smile when asked to pose nicely for a photo.

I love this picture of Maddie giving Ben the hairy eyeball about something.  Sooo funny!  We determined that these two could definitely pass for siblings with their big, round, dark eyes and their light hair.

Abby and Soph!

Bath time for the babies.  How sad do they look?? Pink Eyes on both, eczema rash on Abby's entire mouth area.  Good grief, these poor girlies!

On our last night, we had a Family Movie Night with the three older kids.  We watched Lady and the Tramp.  Madelyn was sooo excited for Movie Night and the boys were so excited to have their cousin join them for one.  Here are all of the kids together, before we put the babies to sleep.
And finally, the three big kids getting all excited for Movie Night with their personal popcorn boxes!


Kurt and Michelle said...

Love the post! And we miss you guys too. Despite the was such a great week :) Love to everyone!

Kurt and Michelle said...

Love the post! Despite the illnesses...we had such a great time!! Love you all soo much! :)