Monday, April 10, 2006

First Real Bath

This weekend marked a major milestone in Benjamin's life - the loss of his umbilical cord and the unveiling of his "innie" belly button. Now we're able to give him "real" baths and dress him in his big boy clothing such as onesies and adorable "mini man" ensembles just like his dad wears.

Benjamin never really cared for the whole sponge bath process (that's an understatement!) so this morning I decided to give him a real bath to see if he fancied this way of keeping clean more :). It started out well but I think he realized about halfway through that he was once again naked and being made to smell like baby lotion so his thoughts on bathing still remain the same. Maybe once he can sit up and play with some bath toys he'll enjoy bathtime more!

Getting ready for bathtime...content as can be:

"Who's that cute baby in the mirror, Mom?":

Afterwards: "This is not my idea of fun and the blue doggie towel on my head will not make me like it, no matter how cute you may think I look!":


Mike and Chang said...

he is so cute..... he is looking at himself in the mirror. i can't wait to see him