Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gymboree - Tummy Time!

Today we had our second Gymboree class and the focus was on "tummy time," where the babies play on their stomachs to help strengthen their neck muscles. Ben has been practicing at home on his play mat and did really well today! The instructor puts down a large mirror and the babies lay around the edges so that they can see their reflections when they look down. We then roll balls around to stimulate them. He was content for about 10 minutes before he started to get overstimulated. Here are some photos of Ben during tummy time in his "workout" clothes:

And just because it's such a cute photo, here's the whole class this week again. We did some exercises with a parachute and then put the babies on top of it for a photo shoot afterwards. Since Ben's so young, he still poses in the "fencing" position, a reflex where one arm is stretched out and he is looking in that direction.


Nana and Pop said...

He looks like such a big boy now and is a baby prodigy holding his head up like that! I love his workout clothes too! Nana misses you, Ben.