Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fun Time Playing

Benjamin has been having so much fun playing with some of his toys now that he realizes that they exist and life isn't just eating and sleeping! This week we tried out his Baby Einstein activity center and he has been enjoying it so much. He's still bordering on a little short heightwise to use this big toy, as his feet barely scrape the ground, but he is certainly determined to play in it and for the first time showed some disappointment when I took him away from a toy today! There is so much activity on it that he goes from giggling to pure frustration instantly and it's hilarious to watch. Here are some photos of him exploring:

Very serious; checking this thing out, furrowed brow and all. Benjamin definitely has a very serious side to him when he is introduced to something new. It looks like he is pondering his new world quite deeply at times and we've come to learn that both Andrew and I were the same way when we were babies!

Loving the "smiling sunshine" toy. He would go from intently staring at it one minute to smiling, cooing and babbling to it the next. He just couldn't get enough of it!

Benjamin was really catching on to many of the toys and was imitating me as I showed him how to use them. Here he is rolling the colored rattle wheels around. After a few minutes he seemed to understand how to make them spin on his own and was furiously wheeling them around!

There's a thick plastic "book" on the activity center that has actual pictures of animals on it, including a Labrador Retriever. We've been teaching him "Barney" whenever he looks at it to familiarize him with his pet. Imagine if he says this before Mama or Dada in a few months! Ben likes this book but was getting exceedingly frustrated as he tried to turn the pages, almost to the point of losing his patience - ha ha! Here he is furrowing his brow and biting his lower lip as he attempts to reach for the book and figure this thing out...

...and here he is turning a page finally!

Finally, a cute close-up photo: