Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Scrapbook Weekend 2007

This is totally unrelated to the baby, but my friend Julie sent me some photos today and I just had to post some of them. Earlier this month I hosted my first annual scrapbooking weekend at my house for myself and five good friends who are also avid scrapbookers. We usually meet once a month to scrapbook for a few hours at night but decided to extend our time to a full weekend, Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Andrew and Ben went to stay with one of the other dads and his daughter that weekend so we truly had the entire house to ourselves!

As a disclaimer before any photos, I should say that yes, the six of us combined own an obscene amount of scrapbooking supplies. My house looked like AC Moore once everyone "moved in" with all of their supplies. It's almost embarassing how many different machines, stamps, and supplies we have but it made for a fun, albeit overwhelming, scrapbooking session.

Some pictures of my house after it was tranformed into a craft wonderland. We set up different supply stations that anyone could use - Sizzix, Xyron, punches, heat and dry embossing, among others - and then we each had our own work table where we kept the majority of our individual supplies.

My friend Heather cooking up some treats behind the embossing stations. We kicked off our weekend with a dinner I prepared on Friday night and then everyone pitched in and brought one meal for the remainder of the weekend.

Here are the six of us taking a break for dinner on Saturday night. The girls who were there were me, Julia Spencer, Julie Delp, Heather Ferrence, Aimee Saunders and Jessica Frederick. We missed our other friend, Amy Kriebel, who wasn't able to come at the last minute due to a death in the family. She's looking forward to the next one!

Over the course of the weekend we spend a good deal of our time scrapbooking and trying out different techniques, some of our time chatting and a small portion of our time watching a movie and eating. We all got lots accomplished and had lots of fun doing so!

Aimee having a great time!

Here I am at my craft table in the basement, having lots of fun.

Julie engrossed in her work.

Jessica busy as ever.

Finally, here's the whole gang posing together....one serious picture and one silly one!