Monday, April 09, 2007

Ben's Second Easter

This year was Ben's second Easter - what a good time we had all weekend sharing in some holiday excitement with our son! Nana and Pop visited and we all had fun doing some Easter activities with Ben - dyeing Easter eggs, filling his Easter basket(s) and taking him to an egg hunt.

Here we are dyeing eggs together. This is Andrew's favorite part about Easter; we've had to buy a coloring kit every year since we've been married!! Unfortunately, Ben has decided to become a picky eater now that he is a toddler. He let me know today at lunch that he does not care for hardboiled eggs now that we have two dozen of them :).

On Saturday, we went to our church's annual Easter Festival which included shows, the Easter Bunny, an egg hunt, and a petting zoo, among other fun activities for the kids. Our friends Dave and Roberta came with their daughter, one of Ben's girlfriends, Caroline. Ben and Caroline weren't quite as excited about the festivities as we had envisioned - especially Ben who discovered that he does not like to crawl in prickly grass in the cold - but the two babies did have fun together, as usual.

A photo with Nana and Pop as we were getting Ben all bundled up for the egg hunt. He's all dressed up in his Easter finest but looks like Elmer Fudd in his little hat - ha ha! Either that or a miniature jockey :). He has his personalized Easter egg basket all fired up and ready to go so that he can fill it to the brim with plastic eggs.

Ben and Caroline at the pre-egg hunt show. Ben was getting bored with the performers so he decided to put the moves on Caroline and do the 'ole s-t-r-e-t-c-h and reach for her hand. C'est l'amour!

Here we are before the egg hunt. It was COLD! What a shame the weather wasn't nicer since it would have been more enjoyable for everyone.

And here is the Kunkle family - Roberta, Caroline and Dave.

Ben and Caroline at the starting point for the egg hunt with their daddies. Aaaaand they're off!

As stated before, Ben was not quite as excited about the egg hunt as we had imagined. Next year he may like it more, when he can walk and understand what's going on. There was a big crowd at the event so the extra people, the cold weather and that strange substance called grass that we tried to get Ben to crawl around in (cold and damp, no less) was not the most enticing ambiance for a one-year-old. So instead of a basketful of eggs, Pop collected four of them for Ben just so that he wouldn't leave empty-handed. Once Ben realized that there was chocolate inside of the eggs, he realized this Easter thing was not so bad.

Caroline enjoyed the festivities a bit more!

After the hunt we visited the petting zoo. There were goats, sheep, a llama and other animals just roaming around!

Easter morning was a lot of fun. When I brought Ben downstairs for breakfast we walked past his Easter baskets and he pointed and started smiling and making happy noises!

All dressed up for church, opening Nana and Pop's card.

Here is Ben's Easter craft he did in Sunday School yesterday. Now that he is old year old he is officially out of the nursery and into the toddler class at church so he does little activities and songs every week instead of just being babysat. He's a future Andy Warhol if you ask me, pop art just waiting to be discovered!
Finally, one random cute shot of Ben wearing Nana's glasses. A.K.A Baby Einstein.