Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Elmwood Park Zoo

Yesterday our play group spent some time at the Elmwood Park Zoo, a cute little zoo nearby that is great for toddlers. We had taken Ben when he was much younger and this time he was so much more excited about it! He really liked seeing the goats, birds, and foxes, but, just like last time, he was terrified of the loud black sheep (even though his favorite book is Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - go figure!) We walked around and saw the exhibits and then picnicked for lunch.

Ben checking out the goats.

He really liked them up close and personal, but kept trying to grab them like he does with Barney (somehow, I'm not sure a goat would take it as well!).

Tyler and Samantha with their mom Amy looking at the goats. Samantha was also afraid of the big black sheep!

Ashley and Elaina (shown with mom Aimee) are a bit more hands-on with the goats. Here they are feeding them.

It will be fun to go back to the zoo once Ben is walking and a little older so that he can interact with the animals more. He had fun yesterday but either had to view everything from the stroller or break my arms when I carried him for a long time!


Nana and Pop said...

I'd be scared of a big, smelly, noisy black sheep too. Looks like you all had fun though.