Sunday, May 06, 2007

Peddler's Village Strawberry Festival

Yesterday Peddler's Village held its annual Strawberry Festival so my parents and I decided to take Ben there for the afternoon since it was absolutely gorgeous out. This is the second year in a row that Ben has been to the festival (and I believe the 4th for me) and we were remembering how last year he was only six weeks old and slept in his Baby Bjorn the entire time. What a change a year can make since this year Ben was eating strawberry goodies, pointing at everything we passed, crawling in the grass and making his own "barking" sounds to passing dogs!

Big cheese in front of the camera, as always...

Mommy and baby. It's like pulling teeth to get him to sit still for a photo lately and now that he's over his fear of grass, he wanted nothing more than to crawl away and explore instead of pose for a formal shot. I guess he figured he's appease me with his mischievous little smile and I'd let him go!

Photo with Nana and Pop - pseudo-candid of sorts since only Pop looked at the camera. Nana could just eat Ben up he's such a charming little guy all the time!

While waiting on line for strawberry shortcakes (which they switched to strawberry sheet cake this year instead - not happy!) we ran into my friend Amy Flowers and her friends Ben, Susie and their son Max. We had met Ben and Susie when she was pregnant with Max and now he is 18 months old.

Here's my Ben meeting the other Ben with Max in the stroller beside them. Unfortunately we forgot to take any other photos of anyone else! My little guy loves to make anyone else's daddy pick him up immediately upon introduction. Guess we'll have to have that "don't talk to strangers" discussion sooner rather than later...

Baby Max and the two Bens.

Ben was such a trooper yesterday. Usually he has two two-hour naps but instead all he had was a half hour in the car en route to Peddler's Village in the late morning. Regardless, he still made it until 3:30PM at the festival and wasn't the least bit cranky. Thank God for beautiful weather and a happy baby! Of course that meant I had more time to spend money... :)