Monday, May 05, 2008

Spring Walk

Today was perfect weather so when Nate got fussy and Ben got whiny after choosing to watch the service men working in our development instead of napping today, I decided to get the stroller out and go for a L-O-N-G walk with the boys later this afternoon. It certainly did the job of calming them both down and my new "tank" of a stroller gave me a major workout pushing it around for over an hour!

Here are both boys ready to go. Nate's such a big boy now that he can go in the strollers without his infant seat. As long as I'm not trying to transfer him while he is sleeping, he seems to enjoy riding this way and looks around at everything.

Checking out the world.

Here's Ben at the duck pond in our development. There are newly hatched ducklings swimming around with their mama so this was a big hit with our animal lover. The pond also has tons of carp swimming in it and loads of frogs ribbit-ing. Ben asked to go to the gazebo in front of the pond three times while we were out today!