Sunday, June 01, 2008

Late Afternoon Walk

It was a beautiful day today so we all decided to take a late afternoon walk through our development and at the same time we attempted to teach Ben to ride his tricycle alone.
Nate is ready for a walk in the sun.

Teaching a two year old to pedal is more difficult than it sounds. We made some progress but still have some work to do before Ben masters the concept. With the parent handle on his trike, I think he prefers to be pushed instead of doing the work himself. Hopefully soon he'll be riding solo. He's such a busybody that it would probably work some of his energy off!
"Right foot, left foot..."

Trying it out on his own...but not going too far just yet.

Back to being pushed for now.

Stopping off at the gazebo to watch the ducks, fish, and frogs in the pond.

Nate's chilling out in his shades while we wait for his dad and brother to finish up at the gazebo.